Al Qawaaid Al Fiqhiyaah (Legal Maxims) | Recorded and On-Demand
CoursePre-recorded and offered in collaboration with About Islam, an international Middle-East based website dedicated to Islamic Knowledge. Format: Pre-recorded and On-Demand
Sects and Cults in the Muslim World | Recorded and On-Demand
CourseThis course is designed to explore the historical roots of the Last Message and the background surrounding the revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and then to show what happened to the Muslim World.
Thematic Study of Surah Nur | Recorded and On-Demand
CourseThis course about Surah An-Nur will also be complemented with prophetic narrations and a study of scholarly opinions from classical and modern Tafseer (Exegesis). A must for all students of knowledge!
Preparing for Ramadan | Winter 2020 | Recorded and On-Demand
Course -
Intermediate Tajweed
CourseIntermediate Tajweed | Sundays 10:30am-12:30pm, May 23-Aug 22 (14 sessions) | Dr. Julie Lowe
Preparing For Ramadan 2 | Recorded and On-Demand